Thursday 28 August 2008


Basically I was bored one day so I had a go at quickly designing a type. It's not the best but it's a start. Something to work on for the future.

The result is this.

I call it Bubblegum.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Treadmill Skill.

Here it Goes Again by OKGO. Alright song, amazing video. It's just so clever and looks so fun. I really wanna have a go at it myself. So very sick.

Many people have done their own version of it. Here are some kids doing it at a high school talent show.

And here's another:

And a lego version:

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Evian Have designed a niiiiiiiice new bottle. True.

On a trip to Sainsbury's Local for some munch I found a bottle of Evian water which I had never seen before. It was an elegant design made out of glass, with a simple small logo placed among regular plastic bottles. (below)

It got me thinking; what other available bottles do they have? So I researched it and came across this beautiful designed bottle from 2007.

“The Palace Bottle has been designed to represent the modern vision of Evian while maintaining a strong tie to our heritage in the French Alps,” says Michael Thouin, brand manager, Evian Canada. “We also created a unique pouring instrument called the Palace pourer, the first of its kind for the bottled water industry, designed to deliver on both form and function to provide a true luxury water experience.”

The new design will be featured in select hotels, high-end restaurants, and clubs throughout the country.

There's a great article about the bottle and Evian's clever designs on this website:

View their other available bottles here:

Sunday 17 August 2008

Fashionista. a fashion web site about fashion trends, opinions, clothes, fashion photos, style, celebrities, industry gossip, and models. It's where I found out about the monopoly high-tops below. Check it out at

Reebok's Got Game.

Games company Hasbro and sports label Reebok have teamed up to create Monopoly inspired footwear.
Great Game. Great Shoes. True.

Friday 8 August 2008

E4 idents.

E4. Great channel. Great adverts. There are always new idents being shown for it. And every single one is fantastic. Some are pretty complicated and other ones are really simple, but all are really enjoyable.
Here's some I could find.

And one for E4 Music.

Carphone Warehouse - A Brief History

Saw this advert the other day and I absolutely love it. Not quite sure how some of it was animated, but I reckon it must have taken quite a while. It was because of this advert that I went to the shop and bought a phone there (a right bargain it was too). I hope they continue to use this style of advert for a while.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Masters of Photoshop.

I recently read on another blog about the website It features Photoshop competitions and tutorials, and it is A-MAZ-ING! Some of the stuff these people can do is ridiculous. The people who send in their images also often send in a tutorial as well, and they're really handy for improving your skills. I had a go at following one which taught you to draw human hair. Now the person giving the tutorial said they did theirs in 8 mins, and it looked amazing. Mine took me half an hour, and it's nowhere near as good. But I guess I'll just have to carry on practicing. You can see it above, so let me know what you think.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

James Jirat Patradoon.

James Jirat Patradoon is an illustrator I was recently introduced to by my mate. He makes giant colourful screenprints of comic book style characters. He's been featured in many magazines for his illustrations. I can't wait to see how his career furthers, and watch what else he'll do.
His website is
His blog is

The Black Ghosts.

This is another music video I really like. It's made by Skill Wizard and Lamo, and edited by Jim Deuth. Again it seems to be filmed on a home video camera, but it really works well with the song (and I really want a lot of the clothes features in it).

The Black Ghosts - 'Repetition Kills You'


I recently saw a video for the new 'Late of the Pier' single 'Heartbeat, Flicker, Line' which really caught my attention. It has some unusual scenes and settings, but what really interested me was the transitions the director had used. So after searching for it on YouTube I found out it was directed by a team called MegaForce.
I found their Myspace page ( and it featured two other music videos they had produced, this time for a band called Naive New Beaters. I really like how they manage to mix a seemingly cheap, Home Video style, with clever special effects and transitions. Hopefully they'll carry on to direct many more. View them below.

Late of the Pier - 'Heartbeat, Flicker, Line'

Naive New Beaters - 'Live Good'

Naive New Beaters - 'Bang Bang'

Monday 4 August 2008

Pinch an Inch.

This is a double page spread created to advertise the TV program 'You are What You Eat'. It shows fingers 'pinching an inch'. And the pinch is exactly where the magazine pages would curve when turned over. I think this is a really clever idea, and although I would have used different type in the bottom right corner, I think the overall image is really well executed.

Brass Jobss.

A Job searching website created these posters to advertise how important the 'right job' can be for everyone. They put images on the side of Washing machines, petrol pumps, and cigarette machines. The images were of people doing the jobs inside the machines to make them work. A woman hand washing the clothes inside a washing machine. A man drilling for oil inside the petrol pump. A man rolling the cigarettes inside the vending machine. The images have been carefully planned and well photographed.

The endless tissues.

I do like a good bit of ambient media. This piece was used to advertise Kleenex's 'endless' box of tissues.

StarFighter. The Ultimate Joystick.

I was recently clearing out my attic when I came across these old joysticks for my Atari. I remember using them back in the day, but I completely forgot how wicked they looked.
They really capture the 'old school' look of the Atari decade with the simple, classic design.
The name says it all; 'StarFighter: The Ultimate Joystick'. True.

Sunday 3 August 2008

Robbie Davies.

Robbie Davies is one of my favourite designers. He designs flyers for London clubs and pubs such as 'Home' and 'The Old Queens Head'. He manages to use old photographs and give them a modern twist. Davies is extremely good at choosing type to suit each flyer. Every aspect of the images is carefully considered by Davies to create an aesthetically pleasing end product.