Thursday 24 July 2008


My mobile phone is black and white. Mainly cause I broke my old one and was given this as a quick replacement and can never manage to keep hold of money long enough to buy a new one (it is quickly spent on booze), but also because I have realised that I don't need all the fancy extras phones have these days. However, this advert has made me want them.

It consists of hundreds of people drawing on a huge piece of paper to create a massive illustration. I'm not sure if it's real or not. There seems to be some pretty young children doing some very good illustrations. If it did really happen then it must have been amazing to be involved in and amazing to witness. I really like the mixture of different illustration styles in the advert. And now I really want to buy the phone. So the advert works. Well done Nokia!

1 comment:

Emma said...

I love this advert! The idea of everyone doodling together is great, it shows the informal, fun side of the Nokia brand.